The Portal
Meditation is a cornerstone of Julie’s transformational work. Julie discovered that clients benefit immensely from on-demand access to targeted meditations and tools that help them navigate specific life challenges.
That’s why Julie created The Portal. This membership platform is designed for everyone, offering a comprehensive array of resources to support users between sessions and to empower those who seek change on their own.
Within The Portal, users find concise, informative videos tailored to an array of issues. Each meditation is crafted for maximum impact, providing moments of profound stillness and clarity—all available at the user’s fingertips. The Portal is one key to unlocking lasting change and processing past experiences, no matter where one finds themselves on their journey.
Finding Stillness
Visit the Just Meditate section to train the brain to get quiet – and rest.
A Sharper Intuition
Learn to use a different part of the brain to refine intuition.
A Key to Growth
Use The Portal to access and train intuition.